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December 28 - Girls locker room getting it final fixtures
Shower heads and faucets are now in place
Which switch was I supposed to turn on?
Who wants to assemble the new lockers?
Ah, that wasn't so bad. Now was it?
The boys locker room near completion
The weight room is just about finished
Some of the stage curtains are being hung
The corridor ceiling panels open for final inspection
Computer wiring is installed to 12 new places
Could this be the hardest (non-union) (non-paid) working man on this project?
Ron Jelinek is busy sanding the stage floor. He got it painted only hours
before the debut of the first Basketball game to be played here.
Even Don Dathe (President of the School Board) gets in on the fun.
No, he is not learning to play tennis. Rather he is using the fuzzy ball to remove scuff marks from the wood floor.
Photographs by Harley Guenther