Address: 510 Broadway   PO Box 136 Abercrombie, ND 58001

Phone #: (701) 553 - 8309  1 (866) 553 - 8309

Fax #: (701) 553 - 8396

After Hours Phone #: For repair, call 611 or 1-800-417-8685


Established in: 1951

Owner: We are a cooperative so we are owned by our members

Manager: Jeffrey J. Olson

Employees and Job Titles: 28 full-time employees and
1 part
time employee

Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM to 4:40 PM weekdays

History: The company is a cooperative originally organized in MN in 1951.  The headquarters moved to Abercrombie in the 1960s as the service area grew.  The Hankinson and the Lidgerwood telephone exchange were purchased in 1996 and the Fairmount and Wyndmere exchanges were added in 2002.

Services: Local and long distance phone service, high speed internet and dial-up internet, calling features such as voice mail and caller ID, phone sales and lease, business systems, wireless router sales and installation, cellular phone service, yellow pages advertising.

Payment: Visa and Mastercard

Events Happening: Monthly Board meetings, annual member meetings in March, coop month in October